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Julie visits Kenny almost every day, so she is often greeted by many of the other patients who live in the center. Leaving Kenny is often the hardest part. "The only blessing of this disease is the fact that it is harder on the caregiver than the person with the disease. He is going to forget that he was sad that I left".
Kenny Ede was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in his early 50's. As many as 200,000 people in the US have early-onset Alzheimer's, and doctors still don’t know why many people get it. When Kenny’s disease reached the point that he could no longer feed or clothe himself his wife of 34 years, Julie, decided to move him to Franklin Manor, a home specializing in caring for people with memory loss. She visits him almost every day.
Julie often brings Kenny home on the weekends. Sometimes for a visit and sometimes to spend the night.
Kenny often has trouble feeding himself. He has issues with hand eye coordination, and sometimes hallucinates that this fingers are people. His issues with eating and drinking were another reason Julie wanted him to live in a home.
One of Julie and Kenny's major sadnesses about moving Kenny to the home is that he can't have his dog Rocky with him. She can't even visit with Rocky because Rocky can't get in the car without throwing up. Early on in the progression of his disease, Kenny was at home alone with Rocky and allowed him to run off. A neighbor shot Rocky, who then ran home injured. Rocky had to have one leg amputated. Julie says it was one of the times she realized she couldn't handle taking care of Kenny by herself.
Julie does have some guilt about moving Kenny to the home, even though she knows it is best for both of them. When she leaves, sometimes Kenny asks her things like "So, we gonna get a beer now?". She responds jokingly, saying, "You guilt tripping me, Kenny?" but it is hard for her.
Kenny and Julie met when Julie was just sixteen. They got married when she was eighteen and haven't had any children. Both can easily reminisce about when they first met.
Julie's animals are an important part of her life. She has two cats and one dog. Even though she loves to complain about their attitude and the mess they make, she loves them and takes wonderful care of them.
Julie sometimes feels the house is too big for her without Kenny there. Sometimes she sleeps in their bed (pictured here) and sometimes in the guest bedroom down the hall.
all content © anna clare spelman, 2019. anna@annaclarespelman.com