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Zalman Butman rides in a tuk tuk on one of Phnom Penh's busiest streets, on his way to pick up his mother at the airport.
Zalman and his younger brother Shmulik outside their home in Phnom Penh, on their way to walk to Shul (the Jewish Center and Synagogue) down the street. Because the Butmans' observe the Sabbath and do not use transport for 24 hours, their home needs to be close to the center.
Mashie Butman observes her son Zalman reciting a prayer during a play shabbat on Friday afternoon's homeschool session. Just like in schools in Brooklyn, NY, she encourages her children to try out different roles. Here, Zalman is playing the role of "Ima", or mother.
The Jewish Center is decked out in balloons for the celebration of the Bris (circumcision ceremony) of the Butman's newest child, Moshe.
Rabbi Butman comes downstairs from the prayer room at the Chabad Center to invite all men upstairs to pray before the Bris (circumcision ceremony) of his newly born son.
Zalman and Mushka, the oldest Butman daughter, take swimming lessons at a pool in Phnom Penh.
Muskha at the pool.
Mashie, pregnant with their fifth child, holds Zalman.
Mashie, like most Chabad Jewish women, wears a wig in public. Pictured here, she walks back to the Jewish Center after getting it styled. In Brooklyn, there are entire salons dedicated to wig styling. In Phnom Penh, Mashie had to do a lot of explaining.
Mashie's hair stylist was confused at first about how to style a wig, but has now become accostumed. Mashie visits here approximately once a mont
The Rabbi is often at the Jewish Center or attending other meetings around town. It is a rare occurance when the family gets to spend time all together, and they are grateful for it. Pictured here is Mushka, the Rabbi, Mashie, and their youngest son, Moshe.
Mushka, Shmulik, and Zalman talk to their grandparents in Israel via Skype on the occasion of Moshe's Bris.
Zalman at home.
The Butmans have a Cambodian helper, Lily, to assist with childcare and cooking. Here, she helps Henya get ready for Shabbat.
The children are homeschooled by Mashie and other volunteers. Mashie brings over materials from the US and Israel, like these Jewish toys.
Henya at an indoor playground in Phnom Penh.
Mashie brings over teachers to the house to help with homeschooling. Zalman is learning violin.
Shmulik outside the Jewish Center.
Zalman and Mushka look out onto the street as they wait for Mashie to go to Shul.
Henya, Mushka, and Shmulik at the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh.
all content © anna clare spelman, 2019. anna@annaclarespelman.com